Muscle Activation Technique

Helping to Relieve Pain and Discomfort

Our massage therapists often work with clients who struggle with the following symptoms:

  • pain and discomfort 

  • muscle tightness

  • decreased performance

Muscle Activation Techniques can restore body functionality and stability.

Understanding Muscle Activation Techniques 

Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) identifies and corrects neurological muscular weakness. By reactivating underperforming muscles, it restores stability and reduces discomfort. The process involves assessing muscle function and applying targeted pressure, or reinforcing neural pathways, through specific isometric contractions.

Example of MAT in Action

  • Primary issue: A patient complained of persistent calf cramps and deep aching that worsened after running and sleeping. Despite stretching and rolling, the tightness persisted. 

  • MAT Assessment: During the clinical massage session, the practitioner revealed restricted tibial internal rotation, and testing related muscles pinpointed weakness in the medial gastrocnemius.

  • Cause for discomfort: The gastrocnemius is the second most powerful pivotal point in the lower leg, and it also assists with bending the knee. Its medial head influences tibial internal rotation, and when inhibited, other muscles overcompensate, which leads to further dysfunction.

Activating--The Fun Part!

Using MAT, we can apply light pressure to specific muscle attachment points, stimulating sensory receptors to re-establish the brain-to-muscle connection. Immediately, patients notice improved engagement and control while walking. To maintain progress, patients receive specific low-level isometric contractions as part of their homework.

Restoring Stability and Function

When the medial gastrocnemius is restored:

  • Walking feels easier.

  • Plantarflexion improves.

  • Less effort is needed for toe-off.

  • Tibial internal rotation increases.

  • Ankle medial rotation improves.

The nervous system quickly adapts when more muscles engage--once the "big guy" is functioning properly, dependent muscles will follow suit.

A Comprehensive Approach to Wellness

Every patient’s journey is unique, but the medial gastrocnemius is often a missing link. MAT doesn’t guess--it listens. A failed test reveals dysfunction, while a passed test provides undeniable confirmation.

Reflections from Our Practitioner

“My first MAT experience was years ago in a chiropractic clinic, just after earning my massage license. When the MAT Specialist reactivated my tibialis posterior, another plantarflexor, I thought, “I can’t be a bodyworker unless I learn this!” I’ve been studying it ever since.”

MAT addresses root causes, not symptoms. If you’re struggling with pain or dysfunction, consider working with one of our massage therapists. Sometimes, activating the right muscle is all it takes to unlock your body’s potential.


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